I know I have not posted much as of late, and I do apologize. As I have been quite often lately, I'm in a bad place emotionally and I don't know how to fix it. Depression does that, I guess.
But, Spring is on its way...Just a little bit longer now! I'm starting to find signs of it here and there. The chickadees are starting to sing their "Phoebe" song, the grass by the stream side is turning a weak green, and we've even had a rain shower. What's more, I can smell spring in the air. Its faint here, not like home, but its unmistakable.
And, coming with spring, I will be starting a new job. Finally! After a year of searching, I have been hired by the Pikes Peak Library district as library help. It is the perfect job for me, and I am so excited.
Now, if only I can kick this homesickness and make it through one more year in this place, I will be fine.
That said, I am off to my garden room to watch my peas and cucumbers grow. I need the greenery.