Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Eek! It has been nearly 6 months since I wrote anything here. I feel so ashamed.  I will try to update more often in the future.

For today though, I'm sticking with a simple post about some big changes in my life. 

I am happy to say that I am expecting a little on in April of next year!  Everything I think of these days has to do with the precious little baby growing in my belly.  I'm crocheting baby blankets, thinking of sewing myself some maternity clothes for winter, and constantly wondering what it will be like to meet the little one in April.

I've done a few of my own maternity photos, as I am not far along, and I don't like the conventional photos that everyone else does.  I'm going with the "How big is your baby this week compared to fruit" list I found online.  Here are the photos I have so far for weeks 7 and 8.

1 comment:

  1. i love seeing the two photos together. i cant wait for more! and like you say to meet the little one in april. on your birthday of course since everyone is thinking it. lol <3 love you
