Life as of late is really getting me down.
My daughter is beautiful and amazing, and here I am raising her in a dump house full of material...well...shit. It makes me sad. What makes me even more sad is that I want it to change, but I know my husband won't want to give up his material STUFF to help me out.
Why is it that we feel the overwhelming need to keep things that we never use and that hold no emotional value to us?
My husband has 4 gaming systems. Yes. 4. How many does he use? Only the one. So why do we still have 4 of them? Because he might want to use one of the other 3 someday on a whim. Really? REALLY?!
I am to the point in my life where I've had it with stuff and I want it gone. I want a simple life with just the things I need and use, and a few extras that hold emotional value to me, like my old flannel shirt. Will I ever wear it? No. But it belonged to my Grandpa and therefore is being kept in a place of honor in my home. But that shelf of board games I never play, those clothes I never wear and have no desire of recycling into new ones, the excess of plates in my cupboard when all we use lately is paper plates anyway... Its just downright depressing, and if I say so myself, freaking disgusting.
My goal for the rest of the year... Clean out all of this crap and start living simpler.
Here goes...
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