Friday, December 31, 2010

Day Three: Eight Ways to Win my Heart

1. Love me for who I am.

2. Do the things I want to do from time to time, no matter how silly.

3. Respect my friends and family.

4. Be yourself, don't try to impress me by being someone you're not.

5. Bring me flowers and little things to show you care.

6. Treat my cats like the royalty they are--they know your soul and won't hesitate to tell me what they think of you.

7. Hold me when I cry.

8. Spend hours walking in the woods with me, enjoying nature's beauty.

photos and drawings from DA <3

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day Two: Nine Things About Myself

1.  I love lullabies.

2.  I find dark, morbid things to be beautiful, and that scares some people.

3.  I was born in the wrong time period.

4.  I love flowers and gardening, and all living things.

5.  I am most happy in the middle of the woods, or in an empty field.

6.  I love cats. Calicoes are my favorite.

7.  I believe in Ghosts.

8. I love the smell of books.

9.  I am homesick for NY and everyone I left behind there.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day One: Ten things I want to do before I die.

1. Write and Publish a book.

2.  Live in Japan for a year to study culture, and language, and art.

3. Live in a Haunted House

4.  Have my own garden.

5.  Live like they did in olden days.

6.  Have children.

7.  Wander in the woods til I'm lost...every day.

8.  Travel the world.

9.  Sleep under the stars.

10.  Learn to truly be myself. <3

10 Days

I borrowed this from my good friend anneihilation who had borrowed it from a friend of hers. I don't usually do memes, but this one looks interesting so I'm going to give it a try.  Here's what you'll see over the next few days.

10 Days.

Day One: Ten things you want to do before you die.

Day Two: Nine things about yourself.

Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.

Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

Day Five: Six men you think are totally handsome.

Day Six: Five things you like to do.

Day Seven: Four turn offs.

Day Eight: Three turn ons.

Day Nine: Two favorite songs.

Day Ten: One confession.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Of Christmas, Cats, and Other Things

I do apologize for neglecting my blog as of late.  Things have been hectic since returning from my home in NY.  And not because of Christmas.  Honestly, I hate the holidays.  There are too many people out and about, and everyone is acting idiotic--and all for the sake of THINGS.  I'd rather sit at home by a nice warm fire with a cup of tea, a book, and my cats.
Which brings me to the latest news.  We finally got rid of our dog and replaced her with three more cats. (and a chinchilla) I've spent the last week and a half welcoming Beaker, Nika, Kiba, and King Bumi to our little family.  Ah, I love cats.
I suppose the biggest reason I've neglected making entries is that I've been almost constantly sick, and I become very lazy and withdrawn when I am sick.  I neglect my art, and my writing, and my blog.  I do apologize.
As I am getting better now I am hoping to get back in a decent schedule of blogging, as well as getting around to drawing a huge list of things that I owe people. 
That said, I should be going to get started on those...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

52 Weeks--Week 8

 Week 8 of 52.  I was experimenting with black and white for a change.  I guess its not half bad...and this was the best day of my week.  For week 9 I'm hoping to make it down to the train tracks here on base.  I've always wanted to take photos at a train track.  Now all I need to do is find the trail that gets me there, and hope its not a 4 mile walk.  Bleh.
That said, if you want to see all of my 52 Weeks photos in one place go to deviantART and check out my 52 Weeks gallery folder.  I've got a few weeks posted there that I never got to put up here.