Tuesday, February 15, 2011


So, I have been considering making a second blog to chronicle my findings in my family tree/history project.  I've been toying with some names... Grave Quest (which sounds rather lame...).  I'm open to any suggestions.  My goal is to share my findings, and eventually, as I get back to New York and can visit graveyards, photos and rubbings of gravestones.  Also, any old family photos I can get from Mom, or dig up elsewhere.  Please, let me know if this would interest you.  I have a lot of research done already, and I am considering featuring one ancestor per entry if possible.  <3 

Feedback, please! 

Monday, February 7, 2011


Nature is simply amazing...even nature growing in a flower pot in my windowsill.

I've been feeling pretty down as of late.  Two weeks ago, I planted some catnip and mint in an effort to brighten the dreary winter with some greenery.  Neither the catnip nor the mint grew.  However, clovers have begun to sprout. 

For those of you who don't know, clovers are my favorite flowers/plants, so the fact that I didn't plant them, and they grew is nothing short of a winter miracle!  Let me reiterate...Nature is simply amazing.

Now when I look at that little clover growing in my window sill, I can't help but smile.